Empower U 2 Podcast

“I have GOALS, and I have EVERYTHING within ME to successfully ACCOMPLISH it!”

Natasha Paris- Empowerment Strategist Season 2 Episode 136

Today, we’re diving deep into the power of affirmations, self-belief, and breathing to ground ourselves in the truth: I have goals, and I have everything within me to accomplish them successfully.

Together, we’ll take intentional breaths, reflect on our goals, and embrace the fact that God has equipped us with all the tools, talents, and strength we need to succeed. 

This journey is about acknowledging the greatness within you and remembering that you are never alone—God is right beside you, cheering you on.

Take this time to center yourself, let go of doubt, and step boldly into your purpose. Stay with me as long as you need, repeating today’s affirmation and letting it sink into your soul. 

You have greatness within you, my friends. Let’s claim it and take the next step toward achieving our dreams.

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Thank you for listening to Empower U2 podcast! If you enjoyed today's episode and want to dive deeper into empowering content, visit our website at https://natashaparisspeaks.com/

If you want more empowerment, we have something that will support your growth and decrease your self-doubt. You can pre-order The Mental Health Therapist Expert's new book: https://bit.ly/OwnYourPowerByNatashaParis

I look forward to empowering you on this journey of personal growth and finding joy in life's challenges. Remember, you have the power to live your best life.


Your Friend,

Natasha Paris
Empowerment Strategist.